
In order to most effectively integrate human factors criteria and concepts into ship systems design, it is essential that human factors applications begin at the beginning of the system. If human factors is not applied until the preliminary or detail design phases, the role of human factors is reduced to that of a support function rather than as an influence to the design. Getting human factors considerations included in the pre-milestone 0 feasibility and study phase will ensure that human factors will influence the system design. This paper will address the process for applying human factors in pre-milestone 0. One of the major activities to be accomplished within this process is the development of a human factors data base for baseline reference systems. These include systems already in the fleet for which the new system will serve as a replacement or an improvement. The data base will include data for three specific purposes: 1) determination of lessons learned - human factors problems and implemented concepts; 2) identification of human factors thresholds and operability gaps below these thresholds for existing systems; and 3) determination of the benefits of applying human factors in the new system as compared with the baseline system. The pre-milestone 0 process will also address determination of the role of man in systems operation and maintenance, the extent of automation, the role of man in automated operations, general human factors design directions, and requirements for feasibility studies of manual versus automated control, manning levels, supportability requirements, training concepts, and habitability requirements. A major human factors effort in the pre-milestone 0 process is the planning of the first human factors program review, which occurs at Milestone 0. Evaluation criteria and methods for this review will be described and discussed. The results of implementing the pre-milestone 0 process in the development of ship systems will also be discussed.

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