
BACKGROUND:A protocol for using human endometrium derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to derive hematopoietic and erythroid lineages will be elaborated, through a two-phase culture system.METHODS:Discarded endometrial tissues were obtained from women receiving hysterectomy in their 4th to 5th decade due to benign uterine conditions. pCE-Sox2, Oct4, Klf4, L-Myc and Lin28 episomal vectors were used to electrotransfect the endometrial stromal cells. The first 8 days involves commitment to hematopoietic stem cells through embryoid body with robust expansion on murine bone marrow stromal cells. The second phase involves feeder free conditions with hydrocortisone, stem cell factor, interleukin-3, and recombinant EPO. After 22 days of feeder free culture, the expression profiles of CD235a+, CD34+, CD43+ and CD 71+ were analyzed by flow cytometry and Wright-Giemsa staining for differential counting. The oxygen carrying capacity of cultured RBCs was measured using a hemoxanalyser.RESULTS:As a result of inducing these cells via co-culture with murine stromal fibroblasts, all endometrium derived iPSCs were differentiated into erythroblasts with a stable yield of approximately 80% for polychromatic and orthochromatic normoblasts. The protocol for complete induction of erythroid lineage cells starting from human endometrial tissue via iPS cells has been optimized.CONCLUSION:Successful directed erythroid differentiation has occurred from human endometrium-derived iPS cells. A comprehensive process of actually deriving iPS cells using discarded surgical hysterectomy specimens to the erythroid fate has significance in that the scope of using human iPSC cell lines for tissue regeneration could be expanded in the future.

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