
HDI of fisherman communities is an important indicator to measure the success of developing the quality of life of fisherman communities. HDI is used to see the development of fisherman communities in the long term. This research was conducted in May-August 2021 in Ransang Island, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. This study used a survey method, the sampling method was carried out by multi-stage cluster sampling as many as 40 fisherman spread over several sub-districts. Data analysis for determining HDI is calculated based on the geometric mean of the health index, knowledge index and expenditure index which refers to the UNDP calculation model. The HDI value of the fisherman community of Ransang Island in 2020 was 57.83. The HDI value is composed of a Health Index of 75,08; Education Index of 62,57; and the Expenditure Index of 45,88. The value of the health index is influenced by child mortality. The low Education Index is caused by accessibility, facilities and infrastructure constraints and costs. The expenditure index value is influenced by low productivity, one of which is the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. HDI of fisherman communities is an important indicator to measure the success of developing the quality of life of fisheries communities. HDI is used to see the development of fisheries communities in the long term.

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