
Purpose: is to empirically substantiate the impact of human capital quality on the economic growth of the regions of Russia on the basis of theoretical and methodological generalization of its main aspects.Methods: along with traditional methods, specific methods were used, such as content analysis, methods of expert assessments and comparative analysis, and the calculation and graphic technique of Xiang-Yeaple, which allowed to identify the state of human capital quality, as well as establish its optimal structure suitable for dynamic economic development.Results: the cognitive and non-cognitive parameters of human potential are established as a realistic factor in the dynamics of gross regional product that determines the future pace of economic development. A comparative analysis of the labor demand and supply elasticity coefficients has revealed the degree of impact of its quality in ensuring the corresponding trends of economic growth. It was proven that significant investments in human capital and high levels of its development represent only a factor of ensuring economic growth and don’t guarantee its achievement. Recommendations for ensuring the development of labor potential as determinant of economic development, the growth rates of which largely depends on the human capital quality.Сonclusions and Relevance: the Russian economy should focus on the formation and development of high-quality human capital through talent-fueled innovation by reforming the existing education system and assessing scientific potential in order to optimize the labor and branch structure suitable for high-quality economic growth. Human capital should be structured considering the parameters of its quality, the level of available labor potential, and the types of activities that require advanced knowledge for systemic economic growth.

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