
Introduction: Menopausal women experience a number of symptoms called menopausal syndrome. Previous study) states that menopausal syndrome in women in Europe reaches 70-80%, Americans 60%, Malaysia 57%, China 18%, Japan and in Indonesia 10%. The prevalence and severity of menopausal syndrome in Asia show lower rates than women in Western. Another study states, high spiritual well-being can provide adaptive coping and contribute to reducing menopausal symptoms. Studies on the relationship between the spiritual level of menopausal women and menopausal syndrome in rural areas are still limited. The study aims to determine the relationship of spirituality levels with menopausal syndrome in rural area. Method: This study is correlation research with cross sectional approach. Number of samples is 207 women. The sampling technique used stratified random sampling. The research was conducted in Tangkisan Village, Tawangsari District, Sukoharjo Regency. Instruments used in this study is Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) to measure spirituality levels and Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS) to determain the level of menopausal syndrome. The quesionnare distributed online by whatsapp.using google form. Data analysis using using Spearman rank test. Result: The analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of spirituality with menopausal syndrome in women with a correlation value of -0,300 and p value ≤ 0,05.Conclusion: A high level of spirituality reduced menopausal syndrome. Menopausal women are expected to prepare and improve their spirituality to be more ready to undergo menopause.


  • Menopausal women experience a number of symptoms called menopausal syndrome

  • Results of Research: The analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of spirituality with menopausal syndrome in women with a correlation value of -0,300 and p value ≤ 0,05

  • Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara tingkat spiritualitas dan sindrom menopause dengan keeratan hubungan cukup dan arah korelasi yang negatif

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A high level of spirituality reduced menopausal syndrome. Menopausal women are expected to prepare and improve their spirituality to be more ready to undergo menopause. Wanita menopause dapat mengalami beberapa gejala yang disebut dengan sindrom menopause. Studi sebelumnya yang dilakukan Swetri (2017) menyebutkan bahwa wanita dengan sindrom menopause mencapai 70-80% di Eropa, 60% di Amerika, 57% di Malaysia, 18% di China, 10% di Jepang dan Indonesia. Steffen (2011) mengatakan bahwa kesejahteraan spiritual yang tinggi dapat memberikan koping adaptif dan berkontribusi dalam mengurangi sindrom menopause. Penelitian lainnya menyatakan bahwa pengetahuan, sikap, dan dukungan keluarga mempengaruhi kesiapan wanita di daerah pedesaan dalam menghadapi menopause (Maki, 2016). Studi mengenai hubungan tingkat spiritualitas wanita menopause dengan sindrom menopause di daerah pedesaan belum banyak dilakukan. Wanita yang memasuki usia menopause di daerah ini aktif terlibat dalam aktifitas kegamaan seperti pengajian dan sholat berjamaah dimasjid. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah hubungan tingkat spiritualitas dengan sindrom menopause pada wanita. Menggunakan 2 kuesioner yaitu Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) untuk mengukur tingkat spiritualitas dan Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS) untuk mengukur sindrom menopause

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Keluhan berat
Hasil Analisis Univariat
Tingkat Spiritualitas
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