
School children are important objectives in improving the nutritional status of society. Nutritional status one of them is influenced by protein consumption. Fish is a good source of protein for the growth period and low fish consumption in elementary school students is a problem caused by various factors. This research was to know the pattern of fish consumption with nutritional status in the school children in the Gulf of Pandan Coastal Regency Pesawaran. Research was used cross-sectional research study. The research was conducted at Teluk Pandan Coast Elementary School in August-September 2019. Samples in this study were children of V and VI classes as many as 111 students. Data analysis using chi-square test.The results was showed that the level of protein intake (p = 0.040) was association with the nutritional status while the amount of fish consumption (p = 0.599), the frequency of fish consumption (p = 0.954), the proportion of fish protein consumption (P = 0.076) were not related with nutritional status. The school can utilize media such as posters that contain the importance of consuming fish in school children and include material about the importance of protein intake and fish proteins into physical and sports education subjects and campaigning for the "love to eat fish" slogan. Parents make fish processed with a variety of menu variations so that children can prefer fish.Anak sekolah merupakan sasaran penting dalam perbaikan status gizi masyarakat. Status gizi salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh konsumsi protein. Ikan merupakan sumber protein yang baik untuk masa pertumbuhan dan rendahnya konsumsi ikan pada siswa Sekolah Dasar merupakan masalah yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola konsumsi ikan dengan status gizi pada anak sekolah di Pesisir Teluk Pandan Kabupaten Pesawaran. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Pesisir Teluk Pandan pada bulan Agustus-September 2019. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah anak kelas V dan VI sebanyak 111 siswa. Analisa data menggunakan uji chi-square test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara tingkat asupan protein (p = 0.040) dengan status gizi dantidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara jumlah konsumsi ikan (p = 0.599), frekuensi konsumsi ikan (p = 0.954), proporsi konsumsi protein ikan (p = 0.076) dengan status gizi. Pihak sekolah dapat memanfaatkan media seperti poster yang berisikan tentang pentingnya mengonsumsi ikan pada anak sekolah dan memasukkan materi tentang pentingnya asupan protein dan protein ikan kedalam mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga serta mengkampanyekan kembali slogan “gemar makan ikan”. Orang tua murid membuat olahan ikan dengan berbagai variasi menu sehingga anak lebih bisa menyukai ikan.

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