
Bullying behavior is often seen in the environment of the school, but this behavior is often regarded as a matter of course that less attention from the public. Research Indonesia from 2011 to August 2014 there were 369 complaints related to the issue of which 25% are in the field of education. KPAI mention that 87.6% of children said they had experienced violence in the school environment in many forms in which 29.9% of the violence carried out by teachers, 42.1% carried by classmates, and 28% is done by a friend of another class. This study aims to determine the relationship of parents' parenting school-age children (10-12) with bullying behavior in elementary Tenaru Hamlet Village TenaruDarek Southwestern Praya District of Central Lombok. Goals : This research used analytic observational research with cross sectional design with a sample size in this study were 53 children taken from class IV, V, and VI were in elementary school Tenaru, research carried out on 31 May - 4 June 2016. Methode : The type of research used in this study was analytic observational research with a cross sectional study design. Where the type of research emphasizes the time of measurement / observation of independent and dependent variable data only once at a time. The population in this study were all students in elementary school age (SD) from class IV to VI as many as 56 people, with a sample size of as many as 56 people. Result : Data collection tools in this study were questionnaires and data analysis using statistical test Chi Sguare the significance level of p≤ 0.05. Based on the results obtained penelitiaan p-value = 0.003 ≤ 0.5 means there singnifikan relationship between parenting parents with bullying behavior. Conculsion : It is advisable for parents can know the signs of bullying behavior in children and for other research could develop this research by using other methods.

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