
Assertive behavior is an ability to convey and express feelings directly and honestly withoutoffending the feelings and rights of others. This research aims to determine the relationship betweenperceptions of authoritative parenting styles and self-concept with assertive behavior in vocationalschool students. This type of research is research with quantitative methods. The population was216 students and the sample was 144 students. The sampling method uses proportional randomsampling technique. The data collection method uses three scales, namely the assertive behaviorscale, the authoritative parenting scale, and the self-concept scale using the Likert scale. Based onthe results of the research analysis, it shows that there is a relationship in a positive directionbetween perceptions of authoritative parenting and assertive behavior of 0.333 and there is arelationship in a positive direction between self-concept and assertive behavior of 0.227. The resultsof data analysis with multiple correlation using SPSS 29.0 for macOS obtained a correlationcoefficient of R value of 0.343 and R square of 0.118 and P = 0.001 <0.05. So it can be concludedthat there is a relationship in a positive direction between perceptions of authoritative parentingand self-concept with assertive behavior in vocational students.

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