Umbilical cord care is one treatment procedure that aims to treat the umbilical cord in newborns to keep it dry and prevent infection. Improper treatment of the umbilical cord in an infant will experience an infectious disease. This study uses a correlation design with a cross sectional approach is something that connects / analyzes the variables that aim to determine the relationship of umbilical cord care with the incidence of infection in newborns (BBL) in RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan 2018, with a sample of 35 respondents. The instruments included demographic data, 20 umbilical cord care questionnaires and observation sheets for infection. Based on the results of this study, the majority of people doing good umbilical cord care (score 14-20) as many as 30 (85.7%) while the minority of respondents doing umbilical cord care enough (score 7-13) as many as 5 people (14.2%). the majority did not experience an infection score of 0 (zero) as many as 33 people (94.3%) and the minority experienced infection score 1-5 as many as 2 people (5.7%). Based on Chi Square test, p = 0.017 <0.05 means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows a relationship between cord care and the incidence of infection in newborns (BBL). It is expected that nurses to carry out umbilical cord care measures more effectively in accordance with the SOP so as to avoid the number of infections in newborns and the next researcher makes an observation sheet in measuring cord care performed by nurses.
PENDAHULUAN Perawatan tali pusat adalah tindakan perawatan yang bertujuan merawat tali pusat pada bayi baru lahir agar tetap kering dan mencegah terjadinya infeksi
Umbilical cord care is one treatment procedure that aims to treat the umbilical cord in newborns to keep it dry and prevent infection
This study uses a correlation design with a cross sectional approach is something that connects / analyzes the variables that aim to determine the relationship of umbilical cord care with the incidence of infection in newborns (BBL) in RSUD Dr Pirngadi Hospital Medan 2018, with a sample of 35 respondents
Kejadian Infeksi tali pusat atas menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden berada pada usia 36-45 tahun sebanyak 18 orang (51.4%) dan minoritas responden berada pada usia 46-55 tahun sebanyak 3 orang (8.6%). Selanjutnya mayoritas pendidikan D3 sebanyak 29 (82.9%) dan minoritas berpendidikan S1 sebanyak 6 orang (17.1%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tabel di kerja >16 tahun sebanyak 5 orang (14.2%). Berdasarkan jenis tenaga kesehatan maka responden tidak mengalami terjadinya mayoritas bidan sebanyak 23 orang (65.7%) infeksi skor 0 (nol) sebanyak 33 orang dan minoritas perawat sebanyak 12 orang (94.3%) dan minoritas responden mengalami (34.3%). Terjadinya infeksi skor 1-5 sebanyak 2 orang (5.7%)
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