
Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of cells of the body tissues will be change the cancer cells. Patients who get cancer will get anxiety or commonly called 'kecemasan'. Anxiety is a feeling of unidentified fear and is not supported by the situation. Anxiety can be handle with coping mechanisms. Coping mechanism have two type, they are namely adaptive coping mechanism and maladaptive coping mechanism. This research using descriptive method with cross sectional approach and chi square test to find corellation between coping mechanism and anxiety level on clients with cancer at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto with 66 respondents. The results of research was held on August 2017 there were (51.5%) patients with maladaptive coping mechanisms and (48.5%) patients with adaptive coping mechanisms. Patients with low anxiety were (16.7%), middle anxiety (62.1%) and heavy anxiety (21.2%) with p-values 0.735 and 0.537, α = 0.05 OR = 0.652 (95% CI 0.171-2.485) and OR = 1.704 (95% CI 0.500-5.800). The conclusion of this research, it is not found the significant correlation between coping mechanisms and anxiety level on clients with cancer at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto . Based on the result of this research showing that is good coping mechanism can be reduce anxiety level on cancer patients. Keywords : Cancer, Anxiety, Coping Mechanism


  • Penyakit terminal menurut Kemenkes (2007) dikategorikan dalam beberapa jenis meliputi kanker, penyakit degeneratif, paru obstruktif kronis, cystic fibrosis, stroke, parkinson, gagal jantung, kelainan genetika dan penyakit infeksi seperti HIV/AIDS

  • Patients with low anxiety were (16.7%), middle anxiety (62.1%) and heavy anxiety (21.2%) with p-values 0.735 and 0.537, α = 0.05 odds ratio (OR) = 0.652 and OR = 1.704

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Penyakit terminal menurut Kemenkes (2007) dikategorikan dalam beberapa jenis meliputi kanker, penyakit degeneratif, paru obstruktif kronis, cystic fibrosis, stroke, parkinson, gagal jantung, kelainan genetika dan penyakit infeksi seperti HIV/AIDS. Namun data tersebut berbeda dengan data dari RSPAD Gatot Soebroto menjelaskan bahwa angka kejadian kanker yang terjadi di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto dalam 2 bulan terakhir yaitu 528 kasus kanker dengan angka tertinggi yaitu kanker payudara (Ca mamae), kanker ovarium dan kanker nasofaring. Kondisi psikologis dari mulai mengalami kecemasan ringan, ketakutan sampai dengan depresi karena tidak mudah menjalani hidup sebagai penderita kanker.

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