
ABSTRACTThis research analyzed a Distribution Agreement between Roche Indonesia company (“Roche”) and distributing company Perusahaan Dagang Tempo (“Tempo”) which had an arbitration clause and verdict of South Jakarta District Court in Roche-Tempo case consisted of Putusan No. No.454/Pdt.G/1999/PN.Jak.Sel dated 29 May 2000. In distributing Roche’s pharmaceutical products in Indonesian domestic market, Roche had a distribution agreement with Tempo as its sole distributor. During the contract period, Roche terminated part of the contract unilaterally, which suffered Tempo. Tempo then filed a lawsuit against Roche to South Jakarta District Court, which was then rejected by Roche, claiming that the District Court had no jurisdiction over the case since the Distribution Agreement had an arbitration clause stipulating that any dispute must be settled arbitration, not the court. This Research was aimed to observe and to analyze the legal forces and the existences of arbitration clause in the Distribution Agreement viewed from Law No.30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (“Arbitration Law”). The research was also to find out whether or not the consideration of the Judge in deciding a dispute of an agreement which involves arbitration clause was in accordance with Arbitration Law. This research applies juridical normative approach with the specification of analysis descriptive research, as well as qualitative normative data analysis method. This research showed that the arbitration clause in the Distribution Agreement had a legal force and binding capacity over Tempo and Roche. Tempo’s denial of this clause by filing the case to the district court was clearly inappropriate and dishonor the agreement. As for the South Jakarta District Court, which claimed that it had jurisdiction over this case was not in accordance with Arbitration Law. Keywords: Arbitration Clause; Distribution Agreement; Court Jurisdiction; Roche; Tempo


  • This research analyzed a Distribution Agreement between Roche Indonesia company (“Roche”) and distributing company Perusahaan Dagang Tempo (“Tempo”) which had an arbitration clause and verdict of South Jakarta District Court in Roche-Tempo case consisted of Putusan No No.454/Pdt.G/1999/PN.Jak.Sel dated 29 May 2000

  • Tempo filed a lawsuit against Roche to South Jakarta District Court, which was rejected by Roche, claiming that the District Court had no jurisdiction over the case since the Distribution Agreement had an arbitration clause stipulating that any dispute must be settled arbitration, not the court

  • This Research was aimed to observe and to analyze the legal forces and the existences of arbitration clause in the Distribution Agreement viewed from Law No.30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (“Arbitration Law”)

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Hubungan Hukum Klausula Arbitrase Dengan Yurisdiksi Pengadilan Negeri

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini menelaah suatu perjanjian yang mencantumkan klausula arbitrase, yaitu Perjanjian Distribusi antara PT Roche Indonesia (“Roche”) dan PT Perusahaan Dagang Tempo (‘Tempo”) serta Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan dalam perkara Roche-Tempo berupa Putusan No.454/Pdt.G/1999/PN.Jak.Sel tanggal 29 Mei 2000. Roche menyatakan bahwa pengadilan negeri tidak berwenang untuk memeriksa dan mengadili perkara gugatan yang diajukan Tempo oleh karena didalam Perjanjian Distribusi dicantumkan klausula arbitrase dimana penyelesaian sengketa seharusnya dilakukan melalui lembaga arbitrase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya klausula arbitrase dalam Perjanjian Distribusi mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat bagi Tempo dan Roche. Pengingkaran terhadap klausula arbitrase oleh Tempo dengan cara mengajukan penyelesaian sengketa kepada pengadilan negeri jelas tidak menghormati kesepakatan yang telah dibuat. Demikian halnya Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan yang menyatakan bahwa mereka berwenang untuk memeriksa dan mengadili perkara yang terikat klausula arbitrase jelas tidak sesuai dengan UU Arbitrase. Kata Kunci :Klausula Arbitrase; Perjanjian Distribusi; Yurisdiksi Pengadilan; Roche; Tempo

Arbitrase dan Penyelesaian
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