
he existence of multidimensional crisis has menurnkan nutritional status of society. one of the community groups that are susceptible to the decline of nutritional status of children aged 2-5 years, because at this age the child was not getting milk while the food consumed has not been sufficient to meet the growing nutritional needs. Nutritional status is indirectly related to socioeconomic factors, sanitation hygiene, consumption level and the incidence of infection. Method : This research is an observational study with survey method and desaim cross sectional. Samples are children aged 2-5 Years residing in the village Tublopo. The sample size is 76 children taken proportionally. Respondents were mothers of the sample. The statistical test used is Rank Spearman and Chi-Square. Result : Respondents came from low socio economic groups with low knowledge of nutrition, 93.4% energy consumption level, sample including deficit and protein consumption rate of 35.5% sample including deficit. In the last three months and at the time of the study, 63.2% of the samples had upper respiratory tract infection (ISPA) and 1.3% of samples suffering from diarrhea, 39.6% of the samples had nutritional status of ARI occurrence related to ZBB / U score in child age 2-5 years. The level of education of the mother is related to the level of energy and protein consumption. Conclusion: To anticipate the improvement of malnutrition status, it is suggested to the community, especially the mothers who have not fulfilled their obligation to learn 9 years to participate in the C package program and for TTU District Health Office to provide interesting counseling


  • of the community groups that are susceptible to the decline of nutritional status

  • Nutritional status is indirectly related to socioeconomic factors

  • This research is an observational study with survey method

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Entry Data

Adalah memasukkan data yang telah ditabulasi ke dalam kompuuter program SPSS for windows release [11,5] kemudian dilanjutkan analisis dat (Santoso, S, 2002). Analisa deskriptif dibuat dengan menggunakan tabel-tabel untuk menggambarkan tingkat pendidikan ibu, tingkat pendapatan per kapita, tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi, jumlah anggota keluarga, kejadian ISPA dan diare, hygiene sanitasi lingkungan, tingkat konsumsi energy, tingkat konsusmsi protein, dan status gizi anak usia [2,3,4,5] tahun di Desa Tublopo Tahun 2014. B) Analisa Inferensial Sebelum menggunakan uji statistik, terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji kosmogorof Smirnoff untuk mengetahui kenormalan distribusi data variabel peenlitian. Dari hasil uji normalitas data tersebut maka uji statistik yang digunakan untuk menguji hubungan variabel bebas dengan variabel antara dengan variabel terikat adalah Rank Spearmen dan Chi-Square (Sugiyono, 1999) HASIL PENELITIAN

Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu
Tingkat Pendapatan Per Kapita
Jumlah Anggota Keluarga
Tingkat Konsumsi Energi
Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Bagian
Hubungan Tingkat Pendapatan
Hubungan ISPA dengan Status Gizi
Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu
Hubungan Jumlah Anggota Keluarga
Hubungan Tingkat Higiene Sanitasi
Full Text
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