Abstract This study aimed to determine the correlation of career decision-making self-efficacy and career decision making. The hypothesis of this study that there is a correlation between self-efficacy and career decision making. Subjects in this study are 405 high school students in Jakarta. This study used quantitative research methods and data collection using CDSE-SF (Career Decision Self Efficacy- Short Form) and CDS (Career Decision Scale) which has been translated into Indonesian. The result of the reliability test for CDSE-SF scale was 0.840 and 0.866 for CDS scale. The result validity test of CDSE-SF from 0.310 to 0.551; while CDS of 0.334 to 0.641. The process of data analysis using SPSS 17 applications, Pearson product moment correlation. These results contrast with the hypothesis, there was no correlation between career decision making self-efficacy and career decision making (r = 0.094, p> 0.05). It can be concluded that the proposed hypothesis is rejected. This study has contributed in the field of educational psychology research additions adolescent career.Keywords: career decision-making self-efficacy, career decision making
Career decision making is an important process among highschool students, especially in determining their career future
The results showed that there was no correlation between career decision making self-efficacy and career decision making (r = 0.094, p> 0.05)
The relationship of attachment variables to career decision-making selfefficacy and fear of commitment
Diperoleh mean pengambilan keputusan karier sebesar 41,08 dengan jumlah subjek sebanyak 405 siswa. Sebanyak 9 % subjek berada dalam kategori tidak jelas, 60 % subjek berada dalam kategori cukup jelas, dan 31% berada dalam kategori jelas. Berdasarkan data tersebut, ratarata siswa-siswi kelas XII SMA di Kecamatan Grogol Petamburan memiliki pengambilan keputusan kariernya berada dalam kategori cukup jelas. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kesulitan mereka dalam memilih jurusan karena jurusannya bertentangan dengan orang tua, merasa mustahil untuk meraih jurusan yang diinginkan, dan tidak dapat membuat keputusan karier sekarang karena tidak mengetahui kemampuan yang dimilikinya. Skor minimal yang diperoleh sebesar 15 dan skor maksimal sebesar 60
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