According the first research in BPM by Mrs. Istianah Ernawati, Amd Keb Ketapang village Tanggulangin-Sidoarjo through the deployment of quotioner, obtained result from 10 respondents there are 2 (20%) respondents with high economic status, 1 (10%) respondent was very interested to use family planning tubektomi, 1 (10%) respondent was interested to use family planning tubektomi. Respondents with average economic status, 2 (20%) respondents, 1 (10%) who was very interested, 1 (10%) who was interested to use family planning Tubektomi. Respondents with under economic status, 6 (60%) respondents, 1 (10%) respondent was interested to use family planning tubektomi, 5 (50%) respondents wasn’t interested to use family planning tubektomi. From research result there are still mary mothers with low economic status who were not interested to tubektomi contraception, it happened because economic status. Analitical research design by cross sectional. Population and sample in research is all mothers who have more than 2 children and mothers age which are more than 35 years old who came to BPM Mrs. Istianah Ernawati, Amd.Keb Ketapang village Tanggulangin-Sidoarjo with the total is 32 respondents. Instrument research used check-list. Data analyzing proccess used Korelasi Spearman Test. The result of Korelasi Spearman Test be obtained rs calculating 0,516 > rs table 0,362 that H0 is refused and H1 is accepted, so there is positive contact between economic status with mothers interest to tubektomi contraception in BPM Mrs. Istianah Ernawati, Amd.Keb Ketapang village Tanggulangin-Sidoarjo in 2015. So more and high economic status mothers and high interested mothers tubektomi contraception.
Kontrasepsi Tubektomi adalah tindakan yang dilakukan dengan cara diikat, dipotong atau dibakar pada kedua saluran telur sehingga wanita tidak akan mendapatkan keturunan
Responden dengan status ekonomi menengah, 2 (20%) responden, yang sangat minat 1 (10%) responden, 1 (10%) responden minat menggunakan KB tubektomi
Responden dengan status ekonomi bawah, 6 (60%) responden, 1 (10%) responden minat menggunakan KB tubektomi, 5 (50%) responden tidak minat menggunakan KB tubektomi
Berdasarkan tabel 1 menunjukkan bahwa dari 32 responden hampir setengah dari responden (40,7%) status ekonominya golongan bawah yaitu sebanyak 13 responden. Penelitian ini yaitu minat yang mempunyai 4 kriteria yaitu sangat tidak minat (0-25%), tidak minat (26-50%), minat (51-75%), sangat minat (76100%), variabel terikat ini juga menggunakan skala ordinal. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan check-list. Teknik pengolahan data meliputi editing, coding, scoring dan tabulating. Data yang terkumpul diolah dan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan Korelasi Spearman
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