
This research was motivated by the low participation of participants in posyandu activities, the authors suspect this was due to a lack of cadre performance in carrying out and running all the hybrid five posyandu. The objectives of this study were (1) to describe the performance of cadres in posyandu activities (2) to describe the participation of participants in posyandu activities (3) to see the relationship between cadre performance in posyandu activities and participation of participants. This research includes correlational research. The population of this study is mothers have children who are included in the age group of toddlers in the posyandu, amounting to 35 people. Data collection techniques used in this study are questionnaires, while the data collection tool used is a quensioner. The research variable is the performance of cadres (variavel X) and participant participation (variable Y), then the data is processed using a percentage formula to see the picture and product moment formula to see the relationship between the two variables. The results of the research show that (1) cadre performance in posyandu activities is poor (2) participant participation in health service posyandu activities is low (3) there is a relationship between cadre performance and participation in posyandu activities in the pukesmas Nagari Sungai Tunu Utara. Suggestions for researching are: to posyandu cadres to improve cadre performance in carrying out posyandu activities.Keywords: Cadre Performance, Participant Participation, Posyandu Activities


  • Ismawati, (2010) mengemukakan pembangunan kesehatan pada hakekatnya adalah upaya yang dilaksanakan oleh semua komponen bangsa Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran,kemauan, dan kemampuan hidup sehat bagi setiap orang

  • This research was motivated by the low participation of participants in posyandu activities, the authors suspect this was due to a lack of cadre performance in carrying out and running all the hybrid five posyandu

  • The population of this study is mothers have children who are included in the age group of toddlers in the posyandu, amounting to 35 people

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Kehadiran Kinerja Kader

Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ibu balita belumberpartisipasi dengan baik baik dari segi kehadiran dalam setiap kegiatan maupun tepat waktu dalam mengikuti kegiatan posyandu, karena dari jawaban yang ada sebanyak 44,36% responden yang mengemukakan hasil jarang dalam berpartisipasi dalam kehadiran/tatap muka. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Kinerja Kader Dengan Partisipasi peserta Dalam Kegiatan Posyandu Di Puskesmas Nagari Sungai Tunu Utara Kecamatan Ranah Pesisir yang dapat dilihat dari pengolahan data berikut ini. Bedasarkan hasil tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Kinerja Kader dengan partisipasi peserta dalam kegiatan Posyandu di sungai tunu utara kecamatan ranah pesisir. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang diperoleh bahwa hipotesis yang di ajukan “Terdapat hubungan antara Kinerja Kader dengan partisipasi peserta dalam kegiatan Posyandu di Puskesmas Nagari Sungai Tunu Utara Kecamatan Ranah Pesisir” dimana didapat rhitung> rtabel. Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis antara kinerja kader sebagai kegiatan posyandu (X) dengan partisipasi peserta (Y) terdapat hubungan rxy = 0727, dan setelah dikonsultasikan dengan nilai rtabel= 0,361 dengan n=30. Kenyataan yang ada terdapat di Posyandu di Puskesmas Nagari sungai tunu utara, telah menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut

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