
ABSTRACT Performance was an accomplished or accomplished achievement. Based on the observation of the researcher, the reality shows that there are posyandu that have limited cadres so that the service is not running smoothly. The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is a relationship of Motivation and Incentives with Posyandu Nagari Aripan’s.The design of the research is Descriptive Analytic with Cross Sectional Study. The research conducted in Nagari Aripan, area of Puskesmas Singkarak on August 7thto15th2017. Sampling consist of 30 respondents with total sampling technique. Data collection was obtained from the primary data trough interviews using a questionnaire, processed by computerization. For the results of statistical analysis univariate and bivariate used the chi-square test. Univariate analysis prove that more than half 60,0% respondents had low performance, 56,7% respondents had low motivation, and 53,3% respondents were satisfied with the incentive. Bivariate analysis prove there is relationship between motivation and cadres performance with pvalue 0,013 <0,05 and there is relationship between incentives with cadre performance with pvalue 0,001<0,05. This research is expected to give an advice for puskesmas in guidance and planning to improve the performance of posyandu cadres, increase the posyandu cadres to remain active in posyandu activities.It is suggested that training activities for posyandu’s cadres are required, so that posyandu activities can do well.


  • Masyarakat (Puskesmas) sebagai ujung tombak pembangunan kesehatan mengemban misi untuk mendorong kemandirian masyarakat dalam hal hidup sehat melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat.Wujud nyata dari dari upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah hadirnya berbagai bentuk Upaya Kesehatan Bersumber

  • whether there is a relationship of Motivation and Incentives with Posyandu Nagari Aripan's

  • The research conducted in Nagari Aripan

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Berdasarkan observasi peneliti kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan masih ada posyandu yang mengalami keterbatasan kader sehingga pelayanan tidak berjalan lancar.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan Motivasi dan Insentif dengan Kinerja Kader Posyandu Nagari Aripan. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Nagari Aripan wilayah kerja Puskesmas Singkarak pada tanggal 07 s.d 15 Agustus 2017. Hasil analisa univariat menunjukan lebih dari separuh 60,0% responden memiliki kinerja rendah, 56,7% responden memiliki motivasi rendah, dan 53,3% responden puas dengan insentif yang diterima. Analisa bivariat terdapat hubungan antara motivasi dengan kinerja kader dengan pvalue 0,013 < 0,05 dan terdapat hubungan antara insentif dengan kinerja kader dengan pvalue 0,001 < 0,05.Diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi puskesmas dalam melakukan pembinaan dan perencanan pengambilan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja kader posyandu, agar tetap aktif dalam kegiatan posyandu, maka disarankan perlu dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan bagi kader posyandu, sehingga kegiatan posyandu dapat berjalan dengan baik

Posyandu di Kabupaten Solok adalah sebanyak
Kinerja Responden f
Motivasi Responden f
Tinggi f f
Total f
Kinerja Kader Posyandu
Aripan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas
Pembangunan Nasional Dalam
Penelitian Kebidanan Teknik
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan
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