
In response to the combined effects of growing energy demand and the impact of de-regulation of the electrical energy industry, pro-active utilities are ensuring flexibility and robustness of their networks, upgrading, where necessary, installed capacity in both in transmission and distribution. In this regard, high-temperature superconducting (HTS) cable systems offer advantages where space, thermal capability and environmental conditions constrain capacity. To facilitate the transition of HTS cable technology from the laboratory to the field, Pirelli Cables and Systems, EPRI, Detroit Edison, a DTE Energy Company, ASC, and the US DOE have undertaken a program which will result in the world's first HTS power cable to deliver electricity in a utility network. This paper addresses the issues relating to the field application of HTS cables in the context of the demonstration program. Customer perception will play a crucial role in the adoption of HTS cable systems by the utility industry. As the prospect for implementation of HTS cable systems has become more immediate, an updated perspective provided by the utility industry team members is included.

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