
Taking into account the fact that in the conditions of a market economy, it is the human resource, i.e. the personnel of the enterprise, that is the main driving force of the efficiency of activity and sustainable development of any enterprise, the article is devoted to consideration of the features of the enterprise personnel strategy. The interpretation of the personnel strategy of the enterprise from the view point of individual authors is considered, and the author's definition of the enterprise personnel strategy as a strategic plan for working with personnel, i.e. the concept of formation, use and reproduction of human resources of the enterprise, is given. The main features inherent in the studied definition are highlighted: it is under the influence of factors of external and internal origin; the goals of the personnel strategy are defined and subordinated to the strategic goals of the corporate level; the goal is to ensure the formation of sustainable competitive advantages based on the creation and use of personnel potential; has a long-term nature; is formed on the basis of personnel policy and determines the list of personnel measures to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise. Peculiarities are considered and a variable approach to the formation of personnel strategy at domestic enterprises is characterized. The key performance indicators of the company's personnel strategy were systematized, and it was proposed to supplement them with additional performance indicators, which included the following: availability and effectiveness of the adaptation process at the company; share of operational and administrative staff with high KPI; availability of an objective integrity testing system at the enterprise; the ratio of identified risk factors during testing to the frequency of integrity testing. Keywords: personnel strategy, personnel strategy formation, human resources management, personnel, key performance indicators, enterprise.

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