
In today’s world where technology, advancement, trade, business and modernization has been increasing day by day countries are emphasizing on business sector and individuals are focusing on earning more and more money but some peoples are still depressed and deprived due to rampant inflation and poor economic conditions the only solution for their problems are non-profit organizations. In developing countries like Pakistan where government is not providing basic necessities to their citizen where the concept of welfare state does not exist these non-profit organizations’ contribution is worth mentioning. The management practices, the satisfaction and motivation level of the personnel working in these nonprofit organizations should be given importance because they are serving the humanity. A number of researches have been conducted on human resource practices and their impact on job satisfaction and employee motivation but most of the studies have been done in developed countries a few have been done in developing countries but the non-profit sector has not given too much importance keeping in view the importance and ignorance of non-profit sector this study has been conducted in a non-profit organization of metropolitan city of Pakistan, Karachi. The purpose of the study is to explore the human resource practices of non-profit organizations and to determine the satisfaction and motivation level of the individuals working in non-profit organization. Case study method has been adopted for this study and questionnaires have been filled separately for human resource practices from HR executives of studied organization as well from general employees for satisfaction and motivation. On the basis of collected data the study revealed that non-profit organizations are not performing all the human resource practices and the satisfaction and motivation level of individuals working in non-profit organizations is very low.

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