
Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of using the tools of employer brand promotion among the youth audience on the example of students and graduates of the economic specialty.Tasks. To analyze the information about the events held with the participation of company representatives at the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) with the help of the Employment Assistance Service of the Faculty of Economics, based on the data on the formats and number of such events.Methods. The study applied general logical methods of cognition: dialectical, systemic, logical and comparative analysis; sociological methods, including surveys.Results. Recent events such as the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the withdrawal of foreign companies from Russia have significantly affected the structure of the labor market and, consequently, the employment of students and graduates. Using the 2019-2023 graduate employment data collected upon graduation, the top employing companies for graduates of bachelor’s or master’s degree programs of the MSU Economics Department were compiled. As a result of analyzing the activities of the Department of Employment Promotion and Alumni Relations, as well as student units, the key forms of employer brand promotion at the Faculty of Economics were identified: academic and extracurricular events with the participation of representatives of partner companies and Career Day.Conclusions. It is proved that active promotion of the employer brand has a direct positive impact on the employment of young people in these companies. The most effective was the organization of educational and extracurricular activities during the year. Career days had less impact, which is explained by the dominant number of internships and practicums offered at such events, while graduates by the time of the survey are already trying to find a permanent job. In this regard, there are prospects for extending the study to include more junior students.

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