
Omicron variants are part of the “Coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID‐19] Variants of Concerns” and has the potential to spread around the world rapidly and can harm human life. We can anticipate that the endemic state of COVID‐19 will be characterized by the development of new strains with surges that will predominate in unvaccinated and immunodeficient populations. Thus, there will be an important role in promoting vaccinations, boosters and accessible testing to prevent disease transmission and to rapidly detect surges. There is an urgent need to explore the virology and biology of Omicron variants, define clinical phenomes and therapies, monitor dynamics of genetic changes, and translate the knowledge of COVID‐19 into new variants. Clinical and translational medicine will be impactful in addressing these challenges by providing new insights for understanding and predicting new variants‐associated transmissibility, disease severity, immune escape, diagnostic or therapeutic failure.

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