
Livelihood system protection and rural coastal community empowerment are necessary due to numerous issues regarding sustainable welfare that require programs and policies that could enhance livelihood system quality and economic power. This study elaborates on how the efforts of livelihood system protection and coastal community empowerment in Indonesia are implemented at the local level (region). The discussion will indicate how protection and empowerment can be done and their dynamics. How is the evidence of these efforts and how coastal communities can achieve sustainable welfare, especially in Banten Province. The study employs a qualitative descriptive method. Data are analyzed from policy documents, statistical data, and other secondary data. The research results suggest that the livelihood system protection intended provides support and assistance to address issues related to the livelihood system of the coastal village communities. Overcoming the existing issues requires capacity building and community skills to better economic activities. Capacity building is conducted by implementing empowerment and parties that perform the protection and empowerment must be the state, regional government, and related stakeholders. This, however, also requires the participatory will of the communities. The provision of facilities and infrastructures needed for coastal economic activities must be the priority and is followed by how to provide sustainability for all livelihood systems in the coastal villages. The livelihood system will have sustainability if the coastal village communities possess the capacities to develop the economy innovatively, creatively, and profitably based on the conditions of the natural resources, coastal potential, spatial plans, the defined coastal zone, regional technical skills, culture, institutions, and coastal economic conditions

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