
The purpose of the study is to reviewing community empowerment in ecological conservation through the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (COREMAP). This research is under a governance perspective, namely transparency, accountability, and community participation in Bahari Village, South Buton District, Indonesia. Data were collected in three ways, there are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods. The empowerment of coastal village communities through the COREMAP program is not fully managed properly referring to the principles of transparency, accountability and participatory. In addition, the role of stakeholders is not maximal, where the government and the companion are not able to provide solutions to the problem of community empowerment while the apathetic community in the implementation of empowerment program. So that empowerment does not fully have a positive impact on coastal communities. While the sustainability of the empowerment program is threatened with failure, which has an impact on COREMAP's environmental damage and coastal communities. The originality of this research is the study was conducted on coastal communities in ecological conservation through the COREMAP program in Bahari Village, South Buton Regency.

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