
AbstractThe author, an entrepreneur, innovator, and DEI expert who is the co‐founder, chairman, and CEO of BCT Partners, presents solid research and statistics to back up the importance of DEI/Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within organizations. He also notes the current challenges (including political and legislative) aimed at DEI initiatives, and to related areas such as book banning in libraries and “anti‐wokeness.” His research is highly data‐driven. He writes: “Data‐Driven DEI™ is geared toward everyday people first and foremost and not just DEI champions and leaders. Why? Because organizations do not change. People change.” He outlines a number of points within the business case for DEI, which in his words are Winning the competition for talent, strengthening customer orientation, increasing employee trust, retention, engagement, satisfaction, and performance, Improving decision making and fostering innovation, and enhancing the organization's image to employees and consumers. The personal case for DEI covers, in his words, enhancing personal growth, expanding diversity of thought, improving health and wellness, and enriching learning and performance at school and work, mitigating biases and negative stereotypes, enlarging networks of relationships, expanding civic engagement and positive outcomes for others, and receiving more positive evaluations, earlier promotions, and higher compensation.

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