
Political awareness is very important to be built from an early age in the younger generation. It encourages them to participate and contribute to their nation. This study aims to see how far the effectiveness of citizenship education is in an effort to increase political awareness and national political identity for the younger generation. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of evaluation design research model. The evaluation instrument used was context, input, process, and product (CIPP), while the data analysis method used descriptive quantitative data analysis. The results of this study are that Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) has a vision and mission to develop students into human beings who have a sense of nationality and love for the motherland, through the process of accepting and carrying out the teachings of their religion; have honest behavior, discipline, responsibility; and are polite, caring, and confident in interacting with family, friends, and teachers. The findings in this study are that the components in citizenship education are materials taught to students contained in the book Pancasila and Citizenship Education, which includes components to fulfill indicators of forming students’ political awareness, and citizenship education learning strategies have also used a strategy of involving students in the environment where they live. To increase participation, use strategies for activities in schools to increase tolerance and awareness as citizens. A strategy is carried out involving several relevant stakeholders such as election administrators and the police. The formation of national identity in the citizenship education component is that material taught to students to enhance the formation of national identity has not been included in the material being taught; therefore, learning strategies to achieve the formation of student national identity have not been carried out.
 Keywords: Political Awareness, Formation of National Political Identity, Citizenship Education.

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