
This study aims to assess the collaborative problem-solving skills of junior high school students on the subject of mathematics using the teaching approach of collaborative problem-solving. The student’s skill in collaborative-problem solving will be the main focus of this study due to this skillis one of the important required skill regarding the Indonesian 2013 curriculum demands. In addition, collaboration-problem solving skill is a mandatory skill that must be given to students in facing global competition. Collaborative problem-solving skills are one of the 21st century skills that not only prioritize knowledge of cognition but must also be together with social attitudes that will make success in a work group. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Telaga, State Junior High School in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia and was carried out in the academic year 2020/2021.The research method used was a survey with a quantitative approach. The instruments used in data collection were tests. The results showed that the student’s skills were still relatively moderate in using collaborative problem-solving skills, namely building and managing mutual understanding with the value of 11,682, taking action approaches or strategies to solve problems(10,219), and building and managing team organizations with 12,854.

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