
The aim of the presented paper is to explore the distinguished Georgian women, representatives of one family, the family of Kipiani, with invaluable contribution not only to the achievements of the Georgian community but the development of science, cul-ture, education, and art worldwide. The paper will display outstanding faces from the history of Georgian feminism including Nino (Tatishvili-maiden surname) Kipiani (1867-1937), Nino (Ninuca) Kip-iani (1877-1920), Barbare Kipiani (1879-1965), Elene Kipiani (1855-1890) with their big role in establishment and development of close contacts with European countries in the fields of education, science, media, and art. Barbare Kipiani was the first Georgian member of the Academy of Medicine in France who also was conducting lectures in the universities in Brussels, Paris, and Geneva. The Georgian girl from an aristocratic family became a secretary of the magazine "Revue Psychology" of the University of Brussels.Nino (Tatishvili) Kipiani, a stateswoman and publicist translated children’s stories from French into Georgian. She translated a famous historical novel “Spartacus” and a short story by. I. Franko. The establishment of Georgian Theatre is also related to her. Elene Kipiani translated literary works of Hugo and Moliere from French. She also was an actress of Georgian theater. The methodology of the presented research foresees the analysis of the archive materials of the Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts through which we intend to reveal the constraints and obstacles women from Kipiani family had to overcome in the course of carrying out numerous socially and culturally valued activities.

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