
Goal 2 of the Sustainable Development Goals is Zero Hunger or ensure food security in the world. This study aims to determine households’ food security in Sragen District using descriptive and analytical methods with survey techniques. The research was conducted in Gemolong Sub-district, Sragen District. The determination of village samples is done deliberately (purposive) considering the largest rainfed rice fields. The data analysis used is the analysis of energy consumption and household food security. The results showed that the energy consumption of farmers’ households amounted to 6,041 kcal/day with an energy sufficiency value of 5,368 kcal/day, then obtained energy consumption level of 113% and classified in the category of high level because energy consumption level ≥ 100%. Household food security conditions showed that 53.33% were food resistant households and 46.67% were food vulnerable. Increasing production and household income by optimizing drill wells to ensure water availability or procurement of seeds resistant to rainfed rice fields can address vulnerable food situations.

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