
Multiple party negotiations may be the next step in the stream of research combining public relations and conflict resolution. This study undertook a qualitative role-playing design with 11 graduate students taking on different roles in the hot waste issue in Utah. These students framed the issue, defined their self-interests as stakeholders, and then conducted a series of 5 role-plays on the issue. All 9 conflict resolution strategies were paired against each other in different combinations. Preliminary findings revealed that the strategy most often used was contention, but it was used most often in combination with principled. If those strategies were not successful, then the role that players turned to was avoidance. During the third round, role-players started using cooperation and compromise. Using these two strategies created a less confrontational atmosphere and the role players were more inclined to discuss alternatives. The most useful strategy, however, throughout all 5 rounds was mediation and the issue of power in resolving the hot waste issue.

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