
The microbiome influences a variety of host-environment interactions, and there is mounting evidence of its significant role in biological invasions. During invasion, shifts in microbial diversity and function can occur due to both changing characteristics of the novel environment and physiological condition of the host. The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is one of the most successful crayfish invaders in Europe. During range expansion, its populations often exhibit differences in many traits along the invasion range, including sex-composition, size-structure and aggressiveness, but to date it was not studied whether crayfish traits can also drive changes in the host microbiome. Thus, we used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to examine the effects of host-related traits, namely total length (TL), body condition index (FCF), hepatosomatic index (HSI) and sex on the microbial diversity of the signal crayfish. We examined both external (exoskeletal) and internal (intestinal, hepatopancreatic, hemolymph) microbiomes of 110 signal crayfish individuals from four sites along its invasion range in the Korana River, Croatia. While sex did not exhibit a significant effect on the microbial diversity in any of the examined tissues, exoskeletal, intestinal and hemolymph microbial diversity significantly decreased with increasing crayfish size. Additionally, significant effects of signal crayfish condition (FCF, HSI) on microbial diversity were recorded in the hepatopancreas, a main energy storage organ in crayfish that supports reproduction and growth and also regulates immune response. Our findings provide a baseline for evaluating the contribution of microbiome to an invader's overall health, fitness and subsequent invasion success.

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