
Global analyses of interspecific interactions are rapidly increasing our understanding of patterns and processes at large scales. Understanding how biodiversity assembles and functions on a global scale will increasingly require analyses of complex interactions at different ecological and phylogenetic levels. We present an analysis of host-plant associations in the sap-sucking Psylloidea (∼3,800 species) using the most comprehensive assemblage of host data for this group compiled from 66 % of published records. Psyllids are known for high levels of host specificity and host switching between related plants at local scales, but a global survey implicates historical processes that are not entirely consistent with those at local scales. In particular, saltationary host switching events appear to have been a key factor explaining the wide but patchy distribution of psyllid host-plants throughout the angiosperm phylogeny. Alternative explanations involving co-diversification with subsequent extinction seem implausible. At the seed plant family level, we compare associations for psyllids with those of their relatives the aphids, but, despite notable differences in biogeographic distributions, find few plant families (2%) that host only psyllids but not aphids, while a much larger percentage (31%) host aphids but not psyllids, and 43% of plant families distributed throughout the plant phylogeny host neither group.

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