The COVID-19 pandemic (Corona Virus Disease 2019) is considered a global pandemic by WHO (World Health Organization) and its spread has reached Indonesia. The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on national economic growth which causes a decline and also causes an economic downturn. This Pandemic also caused an economic downturn experienced by the Province of East Java which had a relatively large number of cases. The agricultural sector is present as a resilient sector that can survive the COVID-19 pandemic which can contribute to supporting the economic growth rate of East Java. The agricultural sector consists of several sub-sectors, one of which is the horticultural crop sub-sector which has high potential. There are many obstacles experienced by horticultural farmers in their farming. The purpose of this study is to determine the problems experienced by horticultural farmers in East Java Province and to form an institutional model as a solution to the problem to improve the welfare of horticultural farmers in East Java Province through increasing NTP (Farmer Exchange Rate). Analytical descriptive method, case study method and literature study were used in this research. The results showed that (1) the problems experienced by farmers were (a) horticultural farmers generally have a relatively small capacity to provide capital; (b) Sales of horticultural crops are only made to middlemen; (c) Low accessibility to local financing institutions; (d) Agricultural financing credit system that is too burdensome for farmers; (e) There is a gap between farmers and financial institutions; (f) Credit by formal institutions is prioritized in the non-agricultural sector; (2) The existence of the "Horti Bank" institution which is implemented will help in overcoming the problems of horticultural farmers in East Java Province by providing facilities in the form of capital loans with the concept of investment, managing finances, and providing access to insurance for horticultural farmers in East Java Province; (3) The simulation results show that the existence of a Horti Bank can increase the exchange rate of farmers so that it is expected to reduce poverty in East Java.
Penyebaran virus covid-19 secara masif berdampak terhadap ekonomi Jawa Timur
The results showed that (1) the problems experienced by farmers were (a) horticulturalfarmers generally have a relatively small capacity to provide capital; (b) Sales of horticultural cropsare only made to middlemen; (c) Low accessibility to local financing institutions; (d) Agriculturalfinancing credit system that is too burdensome for farmers; (e) There is a gap between farmers andfinancial institutions; (f) Credit by formal institutions is prioritized in the non-agricultural sector; (2)The existence of the “HortiBank” institution whichis implementedwillhelp in overcomingtheproblems of horticultural farmers in East Java Province by providing facilities in the form of capitalloans withthe conceptof investment, managing finances,and providing access to insurance forhorticultural farmers in East Java Province; (3) The simulation results show that the existence of aHorti Bank can increase the exchange rate of farmers so that it is expected to reduce poverty in East Java
Kelembagaan Pertanian Dan Perikanan Dalam Rangka Ketahanan Pangan
Menurut Todaro dan Smith (2005), pertumbuhan ekonomi sebagai sebuah proses peningkatan output dari waktu ke waktu menjadi indikator penting untuk mengukur sebuah keberhasilan pembangunan suatu negara. Menurut Aspiansyah dan Damayanti (2019), pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor dari dalam maupun dari luar wilayah yang tidak dapat diabaikan, sebab pertumbuhan ekonomi akan berpengaruh pada pendapatan nasional. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pendapatan nasional dapat terjadi karena adanya peningkatan kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat yakni peningkatan jumlah produksi barang dan jasa. Output pada semua barang dan jasa yang diproduksi akan digunakan dalam perhitungan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), sehingga perhitungan tersebut tidak bisa dilakukan setiap saat dan umumnya dilakukan setiap tiga bulan dan tahunan. Masyarakat pada suatu daerah tertentu yang melakukan transaksi akan menjadi sumber uatama dalam Pendapatan Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB). Pendapatan Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) merupakan jumlah keseluruhan nilai tambah barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan oleh seluruh kegiatan perekonomian di daerah tertentu, sehingga produksi dan pendapatan suatu wilayah akan dapat diketahui (Pramono dan Suminar, 2019). Tahun 2020 di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Timur diketahui bahwa Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) mengalami kontraksi pada sebagian besar lapangan usaha, tetapi masih terdapat lapangan usaha yang menjadi sumber pertumbuhan tertiggi seperti lapangan usaha pada sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan yang dapat tumbuh sebesar 0,80 persen (BPS, 2020)
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