
This article describes the results of the study of the prostate gland of dogs and changes in the level of sex hormones when treated with Suprelorin 4.7 mg implanted subcutaneously in the shoulder region. Suprelorin is an innovative drug that limits the production of testosterone. His action can be compared with the results of castration, but the owners of the animal provide their dog and, in fact, themselves, with the lack of stress and various problems associated with surgical intervention. Suprelorin is a non-steroidal, peptide contraceptive in the form of an implant. The active ingredient is deslorelin (an agonist GnRH), which inhibits the reproductive function at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis for at least 6 months. Deslorrelin is a synthetic analogue of GnRH less susceptible to decomposition, seven times more potent than endogenous GnRH, more stable, and also with a higher sensitivity to GnRH receptors. GnRH plays a key role in controlling the reproductive system of females and males. And in the case of long-term prescribing of small doses of deslorelin, inhibition of functioning of the pituitary gonadal axis occurs. The central place in which the blocking of the synthesis and / or allocation of follicle stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) in the dogs, which was introduced implant. In this case, there are no side effects of steroid. When conducting diagnostic measures with the help of an ultrasound machine, the tasks facing the specialist are: to determine the shape, size and echostructure of the prostate gland, its contours and capsules. According to the results of the ultrasound, experimental groups of animals and control were formed. The criterion for the formation of experimental groups was the increase the size of the prostate and structural changes (increasing or decreasing echogenicity, hypo-and anechoic inclusion in the parenchyma) in it. In the examination of dogs by ultrasound, it was found that the animals in the control group of the prostate were normal, and in animals of the experimental group were found structural changes in it, in particular, increase the size of the gland, increase echogenicity and heterogeneity of the structure of the parenchyma, anechoic inclusions of various sizes. While assessing the level of hormones in dogs, there was a significant decrease in testosterone levels in the experimental group, as well as an increase in the level of estradiol, luteinizing hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, and T3 total in blood serum of dogs in experimental groups. The level of hormones was monitored weekly and reflected its changes on the schedule. Libido of all animals under the action of the implant significantly decreased. Behavior became calmer. Appetite improved and activity was normal. The sexual function of the treated dogs was completely restored a year later.


  • This article describes the results of the study of the prostate gland of dogs and changes in the level of sex hormones when treated with Suprelorin 4.7 mg implanted subcutaneously in the shoulder region

  • His action can be compared with the results of castration, but the owners of the animal provide their dog and, themselves, with the lack of stress and various problems associated with surgical intervention

  • In the examination of dogs by ultrasound, it was found that the animals in the control group of the prostate were normal, and in animals of the experimental group were found structural changes in it, in particular, increase the size of the gland, increase echogenicity and heterogeneity of the structure of the parenchyma, anechoic inclusions of various sizes

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Зміна рівня статевих гормонів в крові псів при застосуванні імпланту Suprelorin 4,7 mg. В даній статті описані результати дослідження передміхурової залози псів та зміни рівня статевих гормонів при лікуванні імплантом Suprelorin 4,7mg, який вводили підшкірно в ділянці холки. При обстеженні псів методом УЗД було встановлено, що у тварин контрольної групи простата була в нормі, а у тварин дослідної групи були виявлені структурні зміни в ній, зокрема збільшення залози у розмірі, підвищення ехогенності та неоднорідність структури паренхіми, анехогенні включення різного розміру. Серед захворювань передміхурової залози виділяють інфекційні (гострий та хронічний простатити, абсцеси), ендокринні (гіперплазія і метаплазія простати) та пухлини (аденокарцинома). Метою роботи було вивчення структури простати і рівня статевих гормонів псів при патології простати та при застосуванні імпланту Suprelorin 4,7 mg. Завдання – визначити зміни розмірів структури простати псів за допомогою ультрасонографії при її патології і під час застосування імпланту Suprelorin 4,7 mg. Визначити зміни рівня статевих гормонів в сироватці крові при дії імпланту

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