
The dorsolateral nucleus (DLN) and the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of the rat lumbar spinal cord are sexually dimorphic groups of motoneurons that innervate striated perineal muscles involved in male copulatory behavior. Androgens control the development of these motoneurons and their target muscles, and continue to influence the system in adulthood. Given that several features of SNB motoneuron morphology have been shown to be androgen sensitive in adult male rats, we examined the effects of androgen manipulations on the morphology of motoneurons in the DLN in adult rats. Adult male rats were castrated and implanted with testosterone-filled or blank implants, or were subjected to a sham-castration procedure. Six weeks after treatment, motoneurons in the DLN were retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) after injection into the ischiocavernosus (IC) muscle and their morphology assessed. Measures of the radial extent and coverage of the dendritic arbor of DLN motoneurons projecting to the IC (DLN-IC motoneurons) were similar across the groups, indicating comparable degrees of HRP transport. However, DLN-IC motoneurons in castrates with blank implants possessed both shorter dendritic lengths and smaller somas than those of castrates treated with testosterone. Castrates with testosterone implants had DLN-IC motoneurons that were significantly larger than those of sham castrates in dendritic length and soma area. These results suggest that motoneurons in the DLN, like those in the SNB, possess a significant degree of structural plasticity in adulthood which is influenced by androgens.

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