In the last decade the classification of free actions of cyclic groups Zr on homotopy spheres has been studied extensively. Given a free Zr action on a homotopy sphere the orbit space is homotopy equivalent (but not necessarily simple homotopy equivalent) to a lens space [t13]. So the study of free Zr actions on homotopy spheres is equivalent to the problem of classifying manifolds of the homotopy type of lens spaces. Surgery theory gives a complete classification in the PL and topological categories. The case r = 2 was attacked by Lopez de Medrano [8] and Wall [16, § 14D]. The case r odd was settled in the work of R. Lee [7], Browder et al. [4, 5]. As a next step one can consider free Zr actions on manifolds E homotopy equivalent to the cartesian product of two spheres. One might then trie to replace the lens space by a manifold defined as follows: Let a, b complex representations of Zr of degree p + 1, q + 1 in V~, V b. Let S,, Sb the unit spheres in V,, Vb and assume that they are free Zr-manifolds. Our candidade is then M'=S,, x Sb/Z r. Such an orbit space we call a pseudo lens space. However in general it is not true that the orbit space E/Zr is homotopy equivalent to such a pseudo lens space. But we think it is worthwile to study those actions having this property. They can be obtained from actions whose orbit space is simple homotopy equivalent to M by operation of the Whiteheadgroup W(Z,). So we further restrict to so called simple actions, thus obtaining at least a lower bound for the set of all actions. The precise problem we study is the following: In the PL category we consider m-dimensional closed oriented manifolds E with free Zr-actions, an orientation preserving Zfequivariant homotopy equivalence e:E---,SoxSb inducing a simple homotopy equivalence between orbit spaces. Two such (E i, e~), i= 1, 2 are considered equivalent if there is an equivariant PLhomeomorphism c:Et~Ez with e2oc equivariantly homotopic to e t. The set 5~(M) of equivalence classes of simple actions is in 1 I correspondence to the set hT(M) of equivalence classes of homotopy triangulations [16, p. 102] on M. The sugery exact sequence [16, p. 107, 1 t l ]
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