
The compound undecyloxy benzoic acid (11Oba) exhibits nematic and smectic-C phases while a nano-doped undecyloxy benzoic acid with ZnO exhibits the same nematic and smectic-C phases with reduced clearing temperature as expected. The doping is done with 0.5% and 1% ZnO molecules. The clearing temperatures are reduced by approximately 4 ° and 6 °, respectively (differential scanning calorimeter data). While collecting the images from a polarizing microscope connected with hot stage and camera, the illumination and reflectance combined multiplicatively and the image quality was reduced to identify the exact phase in the compound. A novel technique of homomorphic filtering is used in this manuscript through which multiplicative noise components of the image are separated linearly in the frequency domain. This technique provides a frequency domain procedure to improve the appearance of an image by gray level range compression and contrast enhancement.

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