
This paper solves the problem of determining which Lie groups act simply transitively on a Riemannian manifold with negative curvature. The results obtained extend those of Heintze for the case of strictly negative curvature. Using results of Wolf and Heintze, it is established that every connected, simply connected, homogeneous manifold M with negative curvature admits a Lie group S acting simply transitively by isometries and every group with this property must be solvable. Formulas for the curvature tensor on M are established and used to show that the Lie algebra of any such group S must satisfy a number of structural conditions. Conversely, given a Lie algebra $\mathfrak {s}$ satisfying these conditions and any member of an easily constructed family of inner products on $\mathfrak {s}$, a metric deformation argument is used to obtain a modified inner product which gives rise to a left invariant Riemannian structure with negative curvature on the associated simply connected Lie group.

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