
The controversy about the start up of the abnormal growth as heterogeneously engendered in the microstructure or produced by peculiar continuous incubation process has still not been solved. In this work the statistical theory of grain growth has been applied to treat the case of grain growth in the presence of an homogeneously unstable Zener drag. By the simulations presented it will be shown as abnormal grain growth is a result out of a continuous and homogeneous process without requiring any heterogeneity in the microstructure presumed to give local advantages to some grains. The mechanism by which during an incubation period the preconditions for the unstable growth are built up in the microstructure is clarified and discussed. Moreover the peculiar shape of Grain Size Distribution (GSD) approaching the “structural instability” will be also analytically defined and compared with experimental results obtained in a grain oriented Silicon Iron just before the onset of abnormal grain growth.

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