This paper discusses the modeling of experiments that measure iron opacity in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) using laser-driven hohlraums at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). A previous set of experiments fielded at Sandia's Z facility [Bailey et al., Nature 517, 56 (2015)] have shown up to factors of two discrepancies between the theory and experiment, casting doubt on the validity of the opacity models. The purpose of the new experiments is to make corroborating measurements at the same densities and temperatures, with the initial measurements made at a temperature of 160 eV and an electron density of 0.7 × 1022 cm−3. The X-ray hot spots of a laser-driven hohlraum are not in LTE, and the iron must be shielded from a direct line-of-sight to obtain the data [Perry et al., Phys. Rev. B 54, 5617 (1996)]. This shielding is provided either with the internal structure (e.g., baffles) or external wall shapes that divide the hohlraum into a laser-heated portion and an LTE portion. In contrast, most inertial confinement fusion hohlraums are simple cylinders lacking complex gold walls, and the design codes are not typically applied to targets like those for the opacity experiments. We will discuss the initial basis for the modeling using LASNEX, and the subsequent modeling of five different hohlraum geometries that have been fielded on the NIF to date. This includes a comparison of calculated and measured radiation temperatures.
Recent experiments at Sandia National Laboratories’ Z facility1 have shown discrepancies between measured and theoretical opacities, up to a factor of two, for iron plasmas in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) at conditions relevant to solar models
This paper discusses the modeling of experiments that measure iron opacity in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) using laser-driven hohlraums at the National Ignition Facility (NIF)
Another difference between the Nova experiments and the current work has been the development of the high-flux model,16 which was needed to match the initial vacuum hohlraum data taken in 2009.17,18 In particular, this work showed the necessity of using the detailed configuration accounting (DCA) model for NLTE emission from the laser-heated gold
Recent experiments at Sandia National Laboratories’ Z facility have shown discrepancies between measured and theoretical opacities, up to a factor of two, for iron plasmas in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) at conditions relevant to solar models. The more recent experiments in Ref. 1 ranged to higher temperatures, 164 eV Te 195 eV, and densities, 0.7 Â 1022 cmÀ3 ne 4.0 Â 1022 cmÀ3, than achieved previously Discrepancies, such as these, can cast doubt on the validity of the existing opacity models. The final hohlraum, seen, is called the Apollo hohlraum, and is similar to the McFee-Nova hohlraum in the use of separate chambers to isolate the laserdriven gold It is this hohlraum that is being used to collect the transmission spectra against which the opacity models will be tested. 13 and 14 discuss, this project’s ultimate goal is to obtain iron opacity data with 10% error bars, which will require knowing the electron temperature to 5% and the electron density to 10% These conditions will be measured: spectra from magnesium doped into the iron are taken and analyzed with the iron for temperature; and framing camera images measure the sample’s expansion for density.
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