
The paper deals with the evaluation of the response of spruce stands on the effect of climatic and anthropogenic factors in two localities predominantly of the 4th forest vegetation zone (fvz) of the Drahany Highland – Forest Range (FR) Proklest, Training Forest Enterprise (TFE) “Masaryk Forest” Křtiny and Forest Range Senetářov, Forests of the CR, Forest District (FD) Tišnov. The evaluation was carried out on the basis of monitoring according to the ICP Forests Programme completed by the determination of the crown structure transformation (CUDLÍN et al., 2001a). This methodology makes possible to estimate retrospective responses of a stand on the actual combination of stress factors as well as its present adaptation potential. In total, 35 circular research plots were monitored (13 FR Proklest, 22 FR Senetářov) with 700 trees in stands dominated by spruce at an age of 79–122 years. Total defoliation ranged between 29.5 and 37% (as an average of the research plots), defoliation of a primary structure in a broad range of 49–85.5%. The average degree of crown structure transformation was 1.57 and 1.6 in FR Proklest and FR Senetářov, respectively. In stands under monitoring, environmental factors manifest themselves differently. Part of the stands (particularly FR Proklest) was affected mainly by unfavour- able climatic conditions in the course of several recent years. As for other stands, it is possible to notice further impacts of synergetic effects of stress factors.

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