
The present study has the scope to carry out an interdisciplinary approach that combines literature and history, in order to explore themes regarding identity resistance, family conflicts and social and political changes in the Amazon region, present in the work Órfãos do Eldorado by the novelist manauara Milton Hatoum. The general objective is to present how the configuration of resistance marks intertwined with the postcolonial bias occurs throughout the work Órfãos do Eldorado. Specific objectives are based on investigating how identity issues are addressed in the context of family history in the Amazon. To describe the sociocultural and historical context of the Amazon portrayed in the work, demonstrating that the relationship between the place and the characters portray marks of the fight against colonial dominance, and to analyze the political themes present in "Órfãos do Eldorado", pointing out that they are related to historical events and social aspects of the Amazon. The methodology will be through the application of the presuppositions of the bibliographical research, and the analytical method will be the north of the interpretation of the plot and the story. Bhabha (1998) in the Local of culture, Said (2011) with the work Cultura e imperialismo, in addition to Nenevé and Sampaio (2016) are the main theoretical guidelines. The result of the research showed that "Orfãos do Eldorado", by Milton Hatoum, stands out with a literature of relevance to the understanding of the social and historical reality of the Amazon, and that presents intertwined marks to the resistance and dynamics of a postcolonial protagonism.

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