
The article briefly describes the second phase of informatization of archives in the Russian Federation, the beginning of which coincided with the period of «microcomputer revolution» turn of 1980‒ 1990, and the end ‒ with the adoption of the Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society 2000. On the basis of extensive complex of the historical sources (more than 1500 sources), including: the Government of the Russian Federation official documents, reports of research work performed by VNIIDAD’s employees in the development of the Concept and the first (pilot) Program of the Russian Archives Informatization, dissertation research, articles published by archivists and historians at that time, the author traces the main trends of research, which allowed to form a single systematic approach to the archive sector and identify key areas of archive’s informatization. These areas are: the organization of the automated acquisition and recording of Archival fund of the Russian Federation documents; the tasks and use in electronic document publishing environment; the use of automated means to conduct research and methodical works in the archives; automation of management of archival institutions. The implementation of these directions has been concretized in the framework of 1996, the Informatization Program and included such practical steps as the computerization of the archives, the development and implementation of industry-wide software systems to automate archive’s processes; the creation of thematic information resources (databases) on the basis of the first time introduced into scientific circulation complexes of archival documents and the establishment of industry-wide internet portal «Russian Archives». The solution of these tasks will allow to recognize the pilot Program of the russian archive’s informatisation done and proceed to the next stage of implementation of information technology in the practice of archives.

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