
Introduction. Historical memory determines a person’s attitude towards the country, towards their people, ethnic group, and other groups with which they identify themselves with. The formation of historical memory involves not only the state, which is interested in fostering a sense of patriotism and citizenship in the young generation, but also such social institutions as the family, school, University, media, etc. Family attaches the individual to the social experience of the past, as it lays the foundation of the individual forms of self-awareness, love for the homeland, and its past. Family memory is part of historical memory, because there is no family history outside the history of the country. Materials and methods. The article presents an analysis of sociological qualitative research of semi-structured interviews in order to identify the role of the family in the process of forming the historical memory of young people in the Finno-Ugric families of Mordovians and Udmurts. 28 interviews were conducted (14 Mordovian and 14 Udmurt families were interviewed). The research included the study of the main mechanisms, factors and features of the formation of historical memory in the Finno-Ugric families of Mordovians and Udmurts. Research and Discussion. It was revealed that the main mechanisms for transmitting family memory to the younger generation are family stories, observance of a certain family, ethnic traditions, commemorative practices, etc. The central event of historical memory in the families of Mordovians and Udmurts is the Great Patriotic war, which affected every family. Most of the informants participate in the action «Immortal regiment». The interest in the history of the family, the family name is higher than interest in the homeland, the history of their ethnic group. In Udmurt families, there was a better awareness of ethnic traditions and holidays than in Mordovian ones. The most visited places of memory are churches, cemeteries, and the Eternal fire memorial. Conclusion. The family aspect of historical memory is given more attention in the Finno-Ugric families of Mordovia and Udmurts than the regional (ethnic) or Federal one. Most respondents believe that family and school play a crucial role in shaping the historical memory of the younger generation.


  • Благодарности: Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта No 18411-130004 р_а «Роль исторической памяти в конструировании общегражданской идентичности молодежи: региональный аспект»

  • The research included the study of the main mechanisms, factors and features of the formation of historical memory in the Finno-Ugric families of Mordovians and Udmurts

  • In Udmurt families, there was a better awareness of ethnic traditions and holidays than in Mordovian ones

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Обзор литературы

Одним из первых социологическую трактовку памяти обосновал Э. В частности, Нора занимался изучением «мест памяти», коммеморативных практик, ввел понятие «узлы» памяти (отражающее наиболее значимые события). Ведутся дискуссии и о связи истории и исторической памяти. Говоря о связи истории и памяти, отмечает, что историческая память наделена в большей степени не рациональной оценкой прошлого, а. Роль семьи в формировании и функционировании исторической семейной памяти, в том числе различных групп молодежи, изучают А. А. Крисанов (социальная динамика семейной исторической памяти студентов) [6], С. Ю. Иванова (семья как сфера формирования патриотических установок молодежи и сохранения исторической памяти) [13], В. Что историческая память включает в себя процессы, связанные с запоминанием, сохранением и воспроизведением прошлого опыта человека, народа, страны и включением его в сферу сознания. В частности, недостаточно изучено влияние семьи на процесс формирования исторической памяти молодого поколения в финно-угорских республиках

Материалы и методы
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