
The analysis of historical experience of development and protection of competition is carried out in the context of history of development of economic relations, formation and development of the Antimonopoly legislation and practice of its application. Ensuring the development and protection of competition is evaluated taking into account the values and philosophies, the development of economic doctrines, based on the ongoing changes in the economy and technological shifts. More than a thousand years of experience of antimonopoly regulation in India, the Roman Empire and Byzantium is summarized. The antitrust experience of the United States revealed based on the analysis of history of development of economic relations in the country studies of the background of the U.S. antitrust laws in the late XIX century describes the main conditions and precedents of the application of the antitrust laws of the United States, the major structural changes in the economy in the XX century. Examples of adjustment of priorities of antitrust policy of the USA in the conditions of dynamic changes in the XXI century are given. The main stages of the millennial history of market relations in Russia are considered, including the analysis of the most important monuments of Russian history (Russkaya Pravda 1016, Kormchaya kniga 1274, the Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich 1649). The basic Antimonopoly provisions of the decrees of the Peter I era, which initiated the formation of the Antimonopoly legislation and the development of competition, the Antimonopoly norms of the Criminal and Correctional Penalties Act of 1845, approved by Nikolay I for half a century of the appearance of antitrust legislation in the United States, are investigated. The history of the development of organized trade during the development of the Russian North, Siberia and the Far East, the practice of countering the monopolization and cartelization of the economy of pre-revolutionary Russia are studied. The reasons and mechanism of monopolization and cartelization of the Russian and the Soviet economy after 1917 are revealed. The ideologies of socialism and capitalism and the reasons for their isolation from the practice of economic development are assessed. The practice of formation and development of economic relations in the Soviet period is investigated.


  • Annotation The analysis of historical experience of development and protection of competition is carried out in the context of history of development of economic relations, formation and development of the Antimonopoly legislation and practice of its application

  • Ensuring the development and protection of competition is evaluated taking into account the values and philosophies, the development of economic doctrines, based on the ongoing changes in the economy and technological shifts

  • The antitrust experience of the United States revealed based on the analysis of history of development of economic relations in the country studies of the background of the U.S antitrust laws in the late XIX century describes the main conditions and precedents of the application of the antitrust laws of the United States, the major structural changes in the economy in the XX century

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Исторические уроки защиты и развития конкуренции

Аннотация Анализ исторического опыта развития и защиты конкуренции выполнен в контексте истории развития экономических отношений, становления и развития антимонопольного законодательства и практики его применения. Антимонопольный опыт США раскрыт на основе анализа истории развития экономических отношений в стране, исследования предпосылок создания в США антитрестовского законодательства в конце XIX в. Рассмотрены основные условия и прецеденты применения антитрестовского законодательства США, основные структурные преобразования в экономике в XX в. Рассмотрены основные этапы тысячелетней истории развития рыночных отношений в России, в том числе на основе анализа важнейших памятников истории отеч­ ественного права (Русская Правда 1016 г., Кормчая книга 1274 г., Соборное уложение царя Алексея Михайловича 1649 г.). Исследованы базовые антимонопольные положения указов петровской эпохи, положивших начало формированию собственно антимонопольного законодательства и развитию конкуренции, антимонопольные нормы Уложения о наказаниях уголовных и исправительных 1845 г., утвержденного Николаем I за полвека до появления антитрестовского законодательства в США. Ключевые слова: конкуренция, экономическое развитие, антимонопольное законодательство, монополизизация, картели, исторический анализ, купечество, организованная торговля, социализм, капитализм

Historical lessons on the protection and development of competition
Об антимонопольной истории США
Об истории развития рыночных отношений в России
Отрыв от жизни идеологем капитализма и социализма
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