
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood within the arteries of the circulatory system. The pulse is the feeling of the heartbeat in some arteries. Hypertension also known as high blood pressure, is the name given to a common medical condition in which the force exerted by the blood carried from the heart to the body against the walls of the arteries is high enough to cause health problems such as heart disease. Hypertension has been known since antiquity. Descriptions have been found in the Egyptian papyri, in ancient Chinese and Indian medical literature, as well as, in the work of ancient Greek physicians such as Galen and Hippocrates and Muslim scientists into Latin in Andalusia and Sicily. When we come to the 17th century, we see that blood circulation was experimentally proven by William Harvey. The important work of the 18th century, blood pressure was first recognized and first attempts were made to measure this pressure. The clinical sphygmomanometer that could measure systolic pressure over the radial artery is defined by Samuel von Basch in 1880. 20th century has witnessed changes in terminology, discovery of the measurement method that is recently used and emergence of pathogenetic definitions and by the middle of the twentieth century, checking BP by sphygmomanometer became part of the routine physical examination in hospitals and clinics. It was considered necessary to treat hypertension after the detrimental effects of high blood pressure on the body were noticed. So reserpine, hydralazine, ganglion blocking agents, peripheral adrenergic inhibitor, oral diuretics, beta blocker, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers drugs such as were synthesized. While the use of some drugs is limited due to their side effects, some are still used in the treatment of hypertension today. Additionally the potential for gene therapy in hypertension is one that will be watched with interest.The search for new antihypertensive drugs are still ongoing. The potential for gene therapy in hypertension is one that will be watched with interest.
 Keywords: History of blood pressure, pulse, hypertension, antihypertensive drugs

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