
This study aims to see the histopathology of muscle corvus cavernosum penis wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) hyperlipidemia seen in terms of thickness and picture of tissue abnormalities. Hyperlipidemia is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction ateriosklerosis in men. This research is an experimental research with one group prettest - posttest design. Samples in this study were 10 adult male aged 3-4 months wistar rats with a weight range 150-200 grams. Prior to treatment, surgery was performed for histopathology of 5-tailed rat samples at pretest. After that, sample were made with hyperhidemia by feeding fat for 50 days. Then performed surgery for histopathological preparation of corvus cavernosum muscle in posttest. The results showed that the thickness of the corvus cavernosum of the penile mouse of hyperlipidemia decreased significantly (P?0,05) when compared with the pretest group. In the histopathologic picture occurs muscle atrophy and the existence of abnormal structures of fibrotic and collagen tissue.


  • This study aims to see the histopathology of muscle corvus cavernosum penis wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) hyperlipidemia seen in terms of thickness and picture of tissue abnormalities

  • The results showed that the thickness of the corvus cavernosum of the penile mouse of hyperlipidemia decreased significantly (P≤0,05) when compared with the pretest group

  • Pengaruh Berbagai Dosis Filtrat Daun Putri Malu (Mimosa pudica) terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah pada Tikus (Rattus norvegicus)

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JURNAL METAMORFOSA Journal of Biological Sciences

Gambaran Histopatologi Otot Korpus Kavernosum Tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) Hiperlipidemia. INTISARI Penelitian ini bertujuan unuk melihat gambaran histopatologi otot korpus kavernosum penis tikus wistar (Rattus novergicus) hiperlipidemia yang dilihat dari segi ketebalan serta gambaran abnormalitas jaringan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan one group prettest - posttest design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah tikus wistar jantan dewasa umur 3-4 bulan dengan kisaran berat badan 150 - 200 gram, sebanyak 10 ekor. Dilakukan pembedahan untuk histopatologi tikus sampel 5 ekor pada pretest. Kemudian dilakukan pembedahan untuk preparat histopatologi otot korpus kavernosum pada posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketebalan otot korpus kavernosum penis tikus hiperlipidemia mengalami penurunan ketebalan secara signifikan (P≤0,05) jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok pretest. Pada gambaran histopatologi terjadi atrofi otot serta adanya struktur abnormal yaitu jaringan fibrotik dan kolagen

BAHAN DAN METODE Rancangan Penelitian
UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH Penulis mengucapkan terimakasih kepada
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