
To report the histopathologic correlates of trabecular meshwork (TM) specimens procured by microincisional trabeculectomy (MIT) for different severities of glaucoma (early glaucoma: visual field mean deviation [MD] <-6 dB, moderate glaucoma: MD from - 6 to - 12 dB, and advanced glaucoma: MD <-12 dB). TM specimens from four patients undergoing MIT with or without cataract surgery were analyzed by routine histopathology for structural changes. The number of cells, the number of cells with spindle-shaped nuclei suggestive of epithelial-mesenchymal transformation (EMT), and the distance between the trabecular beams were calculated using different tools on freely available ImageJ software using the line or pint/count tool. The TM specimens procured from two early and two advanced glaucoma cases showed decreasing cellularity and decreased compact arrangement of the trabecular beams in severe disease stages. The number of cells and preserved architecture in all four specimens were evident, with > 50 cells being present per section in all four cases despite the glaucoma being of advanced disease stage in two patients. The TM specimens obtained from MIT can be utilized for downstream analysis using different molecular methods for studying the molecular events in the tissue from early to severe glaucoma.

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