
Apicomplexan parasites have complex life cycles, often requiring transmission between two different hosts, facing periods of dormancy within the host or in the environment to maximize chances of transmission. To support survival in these different conditions, tightly regulated and correctly timed gene expression is critical. The modification of histones and nucleosome composition makes a significant contribution to this regulation, and as eukaryotes, the fundamental mechanisms underlying this process in apicomplexans are similar to those in model eukaryotic organisms. However, single-celled intracellular parasites face unique challenges, and regulation of gene expression at the epigenetic level provides tight control for responses that must often be rapid and robust. Here, we discuss the recent advances in understanding the dynamics of histone modifications across Apicomplexan life cycles and the molecular mechanisms that underlie epigenetic regulation of gene expression to promote parasite life cycle progression, dormancy, and transmission.

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