
1. Eleven cat tenuissimus spindles have been analysed mainly by cutting serial, transverse, 1 micrometer thick sections following direct observation of the effects of dynamic motor (gamma or beta) stimulation. 2. Histological results from these spindles were also used to interpret the effects of static fusimotor stimulation of other spindles. 3. Dynamic motor stimulation usually produced contractions seen as convergent movements of sarcomeres in single bag fibres, identified as bag1 fibres for reasons given in the text. 4. In one spindle a single dynamic axon produced a translational movement in one pole of a bag1 fibre and a convergent movement in each pole of a bag2 fibre, together with movements in other unidentified (presumably chain) fibres. Subsequent analysis showed that besides innervating both bag fibres the axon also supplied two chain fibres. 5. Contrary to expectation, motor endings on the bag1 fibres seldom occurred at the sites of convergent movement. Only two cases of coincidence occurred among sixteen foci and twenty-one motor endings; otherwise focus and nearest ending were separated by distances of 0.85--2.5 mm. 6. Most of the convergent movements of sarcomeres observed in bag1 fibres occurred in a region of the pole that is ultrastructurally distinct from the region where most of the motor endings were located. The possible relevance of this to the production of contractions in the bag1 fibre is discussed. 7. Convergent movement foci in bag2 fibres produced by the stimulation of static axons occurred largely within the same regions of the pole as the motor endings were located, though, whereas foci were observed in both intra- and extracapsular regions, most of the endings were intracapsular.

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