
The histochemical muscle-fibre composition of the anterior and posterior belly of the human digastric muscle was analysed in young male adults. Both bellies, of differing embryological origin and supplied by different cranial nerves, showed a fibre composition similar to that of normal limb and trunk muscles. Type I, type IIA and type IIB fibres each occupied about one-third of the total fibre population and were evenly distributed in a mosaic pattern. About 1 per cent of fibres were type IIC and ATPase (pH 9.4) intermediate fibres. Thus, there were major differences between the anterior belly of digastric and the likewise trigeminal nerve innervated masticatory muscles with respect to both histochemical profile and size and distribution of various types of fibre. The observations suggest that the fibre pattern of the digastric is not primarily related to its specific nervous supply but its special functional demands. The predominance of type II fibres indicates a capacity for fast acceleration and speed in mandibular movements. The disparity in fibre-type profile between the digastric and the jaw elevator muscles might be related to changing demands during evolution. Civilized diets need no heavy mastication and, while the requirements upon the jaw elevators have thus changed, the functional demands on the jaw openers would have remained unchanged.

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